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Logistic Regression is a very commonly used Machine Learning Techniques. The term regression in logistic regression suggests that it is some kind of regression analysis tools. The logistic regression is used when the dependent variable that is the y-variable takes the value 0 and 1 only. The dependent variable in this case is a discrete binary one. The independent variable that is the x variables can be anything discrete or continuous. The logistic regression involves log transformation of the dependent variable or y variable. This makes the dependent variable a continuous one. The logistic regression gives the probability of the occurrence of the dependent variable. Suppose one need to determine whether a student will pass an examination or not based on some factors such as previous years marks of the student, hours of study, attendance percentage of the student. The logistic regression will give the probability that a student will going to pass the examination or not based on the hour of study, previous year percentage and attendance percentage.

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