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  1. types of Machine Learning Algorithms Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning Reinforcement Learning
  2. विक्रय (बिक्री) आकड़ों का विश्लेषण विक्रय (बिक्री) आकड़ों का विश्लेषण .xlsx
  3. having the right, digital-savvy leaders in place building capabilities for the workforce of the future empowering people to work in new ways giving day-to-day tools a digital upgrade communicating frequently via traditional and digital methods Out of 83 practices that were tested in the survey, the following are those that best explain the success of an organization’s digital transformation: Implement digital tools to make information more accessible across the organization. Engage initiative leaders (leaders of either digital or nondigital initiatives that are part of the transformation) to support the transformation. Modify standard operating procedures to include new digital technologies. Establish a clear change story (description of and case for the changes being made) for the digital transformation. Add one or more people who are familiar or very familiar with digital technologies to the top team. Leaders engaged in transformation-specific roles encourage employees to challenge old ways of working (processes and procedures). Senior managers encourage employees to challenge old ways of working (processes and procedures). Redefine individuals’ roles and responsibilities so they align with the transformation’s goals. Provide employees with opportunities to generate ideas of where digitization might support the business. Establish one or more practices related to new ways of working (such as continuous learning, open physical and virtual work environments, and role mobility). Engage employees in integrator roles (employees who translate and integrate new digital methods and processes into existing ways of working to help connect traditional and digital parts of the business) to support the transformation. Implement digital self-serve technology for employees’ and business partners’ use. Engage the leader of a program-management office or transformation office (full-time leader of the team or office dedicated to transformation-related activities) to support the transformation. Leaders in transformation-specific roles get more involved in developing the digital transformation’s initiatives than they were in past change efforts. Leaders in transformation-specific roles encourage their employees to experiment with new ideas (such as rapid prototyping and allowing employees to learn from their failures). Senior managers get more involved in digital initiatives than they were in past change efforts. Leaders in transformation-specific roles ensure collaboration between their units and others across the organization when employees are working on transformation initiatives. Senior managers ensure collaboration between their units and others across the organization. Engage technology-innovation managers (managers with specialized technical skills who lead work on digital innovations, such as development of new digital products or services) to support the transformation. Senior managers encourage their employees to experiment with new ideas. Senior managers foster a sense of urgency within their units for making the transformation’s changes. Source McKinsey
  4. XLOOKUP is currently a beta feature, and only available to a portion of Office Insiders at this time. Will continue to optimize it over the next several months. When XLOOKUP is ready, it will be released to all Office Insiders, and Office 365 subscribers. The XLOOKUP function searches a range or an array, and returns an item corresponding to the first match it finds. If a match doesn't exist, then XLOOKUP can return the closest (approximate) match. =XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array, [match_mode], [search_mode], [if_not_found]) Example 1 This example is from the video above, and uses a simple XLOOKUP to look up a country name, then return its telephone country code. It only includes the lookup_value (cell F2), lookup_array (range B2:B11), and return_array (range D2:D11) arguments. It does not include the match_mode argument, as XLOOKUP defaults to an exact match. Note: XLOOKUP is different from VLOOKUP in that it uses separate lookup and return arrays, where VLOOKUP uses a single table array followed by a column index number. The equivalent VLOOKUP formula in this case would be: =VLOOKUP(F2,B2:D11,3,FALSE) Example 2 In this example, we're looking up employee information based on an employee ID number. Unlike VLOOKUP, XLOOKUP is able to return an array with multiple items, which allows a single formula to return both employee name and department (cells C5:D14). Example 3 This example adds the if_not_found argument to the example above. Example 4 The following example looks in column C for the personal income entered in cell E2, and finds a matching tax rate in column B. It uses the match_mode argument set to 1, which means the function will look for an exact match, and if it can't find one, it will return the next larger item. Note: Unlike VLOOKUP, the lookup_array column is to the right of the return_array column, where VLOOKUP can only look from left-to-right. Example 5 Next, we'll use a nested XLOOKUP function to perform both a vertical and horizontal match. In this case, it will first look for Gross Profit in column B, then look for Qtr1 in the top row of the table (range C5:F5), and return the value at the intersection of the two. This is similar to using the INDEX and MATCH functions in conjunction. You can also use XLOOKUP to replace the HLOOKUP function. The formula in cells D3:F3 is: =XLOOKUP(D2,$B6:$B17,XLOOKUP($C3,$C5:$G5,$C6:$G17)). Example 6 This example uses the SUM function, and two XLOOKUP functions nested together to sum all the values between two ranges. In this case, we want to sum the values for grapes, bananas, and include pears, which are between the two. The formula in cell E3 is: =SUM(XLOOKUP(B3,B6:B10,E6:E10):XLOOKUP(C3,B6:B10,E6:E10)) How does it work? XLOOKUP returns a range, so when it calculates, the formula ends up looking like this: =SUM($E$7:$E$9). You can see how this works on your own by selecting a cell with an XLOOKUP formula similar to this one, then go to Formulas > Formula Auditing > Evaluate Formula, and press the Evaluate button to step through the calculation.
  5. Which one do you like to work on ? Also share type of business industry you are working for ?
  6. Yo are taking first to your website and then to tableau website... It will be great if you can directly post here Thank You
  7. What is the difference between machine learning and Artificial Intelligence ?
  8. Why is it hard for AI to detect human bias?
  9. Some may include Consumer Behavior Insights Marketing Strategies Personalized Offers Store Optimization Customer Satisfaction I welcome you all to share your experience, problems and challenges associated in retail analytics.
  10. Which one will you recommend R VS Python for a person who is giving start in data analytics profession
  11. Lets start interaction among members.. pl share your introduction...and the area in which BI and analytics is been used by you.
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