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Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Returns a second value from a DateTime value
  2. Returns a minute value from a DateTime value.
  3. Returns an hour value from a DateTime value.
  4. Creates a Time from local, universal, and custom Time formats.
  5. Returns a time value from a value.
  6. Returns the end of the hour.
  7. Returns the uppercase of a text value.
  8. Removes any occurrences of the characters in trimChars from the start of the original text value.
  9. Removes any occurrences of the characters specified in trimChars from the end of the original text value.
  10. Removes any occurrences of characters in trimChars from text.
  11. Returns a list containing parts of a text value that are delimited by any separator text values.
  12. Returns a list containing parts of a text value that are delimited by a separator text value.
  13. Reverses the provided text.
  14. Returns a text value composed of the input text value repeated a number of times.
  15. Returns a text value with first letters of all words converted to uppercase.
  16. Returns a text value padded at the beginning with pad to make it at least length characters. If pad is not specified, whitespace is used as pad.
  17. Returns a text value padded at the end with pad to make it at least length characters.
  18. Returns the lowercase of a text value.
  19. Returns a text value that is the result of joining all text values with each value separated by a separator.
  20. Returns the original text value with non-printable characters removed.
  21. Returns the portion of text between the specified startDelimiter and endDelimiter.
  22. Returns the portion of text before the specified delimiter.
  23. Returns the portion of text after the specified delimiter.
  24. Returns a logical value indicating whether a text value substring was found at the beginning of a string.
  25. Returns the first occurrence of a text value in list and returns its position starting at startOffset.
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