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Business Intelligence & Analytics for Digital Transformation

Saurabh Jain

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Blog Entries posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Saurabh Jain
    Improving your Excel skills is a great place to begin to claw back a few minutes on every project, because Excel is a tool used by most of us on a regular basis. It has so many incredible capabilities that are not immediately apparent. Just finding one trick can save you minutes every day.
    Excel Tip No. 1: Automatically SUM() with ALT + =
    Quickly add an entire column or row by clicking in the first empty cell in the column. Then enter ALT + ‘=’ (equals key) to add up the numbers in every cell above.

    Excel Tip No. 2: Logic for Number Formatting Keyboard Shortcuts
    At times keyboard shortcuts seem random, but there is logic behind them. Let’s break an example down. To format a number as a currency the shortcut is CRTL + SHIFT + 4.
    Both the SHIFT and 4 keys seem random, but they’re intentionally used because SHIFT + 4 is the dollar sign ($). Therefore if we want to format as a currency, it’s simply: CTRL + ‘$’ (where the dollar sign is SHIFT + 4). The same is true for formatting a number as a percent.

    Excel Tip No. 3: Display Formulas with CTRL + `
    When you’re troubleshooting misbehaving numbers first look at the formulas. Display the formula used in a cell by hitting just two keys: Ctrl + ` (known as the acute accent key) – this key is furthest to the left on the row with the number keys. When shifted it is the tilde (~).

    Excel Tip No. 4: Jump to the Start or End of a Column Keyboard Shortcut
    You are thousands of rows deep into your data set and need to get to the first or last cell. Scrolling is OK but the quickest way is to use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ↑ to jump to the top cell, or CTRL + ↓ to drop to the last cell before an empty cell.

    When you combine this shortcut with the SHIFT key, you’ll select a continuous block of cells from your original starting point.
    Excel Tip No. 5: Repeat a Formula to Multiple Cells
    Never type out the same formula over and over in new cells again. This trick populates all of the cells in a column with the same formula, but adjusts to use the data specific to each row.
    Create the formula you need in the first cell. Then move your cursor to the lower right corner of that cell and, when it turns into a plus sign, double click to copy that formula into the rest of the cells in that column. Each cell in the column will show the results of the formula using the data in that row.

    Excel Tip No. 6: Add or Delete Columns Keyboard Shortcut
    Managing columns and rows in your spreadsheet is an all-day task. Whether adding or deleting, you can save a little time when you use this keyboard shortcut. CTRL + ‘-‘ (minus key) will delete the column your cursor is in and CTRL + SHIFT + ‘=’ (equal key) will add a new column. From an earlier tip, think about CTRL + ‘+’ (plus sign).

    Excel Tip No. 7: Adjust Width of One or Multiple Columns
    It’s easy to adjust a column to the width of its content and get rid of those useless ##### entries. Click on the column’s header, move your cursor to the right side of the header and double click when it turns into a plus sign.

    Excel Tip No. 8: Copy a Pattern of Numbers or Even Dates
    Another amazing feature built into Excel is its ability to recognize a pattern in your data, and allow you to automatically copy it to other cells. Simply enter information in two rows which establish the pattern, highlight those rows and drag down for as many cells as you want to populate. This works with numbers, days of the week or months!

    Excel Tip No. 9: Tab Between Worksheets
    Jumping from worksheet to worksheet doesn’t mean you have to move your hand off the keyboard with this cool shortcut. To change to the next worksheet to the right enter CTRL + PGDN. And conversely change to the worksheet to the left by entering CTRL + PGUP.

    Excel Tip No. 10: Double Click Format Painter
    Format Painter is a great tool which lets you duplicate a format in other cells with no more effort than a mouse click. Many Excel users (Outlook, Word and PowerPoint too) use this handy feature, but did you know you can double-click Format Painter to copy the format into multiple cells? It’s quite a time-saver.

    More Excel Tricks or Help requiered
    Please ask your questions in http://bi-analytics.org/forum/1-excel-fundamentals/
    What tricks do you employ to make the most of your time with Excel? Feel free to share in the comments so we can all benefit!
  2. Saurabh Jain
    In this case, we will analyze sales data from two stores and answer the following questions
    What percentage of sales occur at each store ? What percentage of sales occur at each month ? How much revenue does each product generated? Which products generate 80 % of revenue? We will also learn the Use of Report Filters & Slicers
    Download data set
  3. Saurabh Jain
    These techniques cover most of what data scientists and related practitioners are using in their daily activities, whether they use solutions offered by a vendor, or whether they design proprietary tools

    The 45 data science techniques
    Linear Regression  Logistic Regression  Jackknife Regression * Density Estimation  Confidence Interval  Test of Hypotheses  Pattern Recognition  Clustering - (aka Unsupervised Learning) Supervised Learning  Time Series  Decision Trees  Random Numbers  Monte-Carlo Simulation  Bayesian Statistics  Naive Bayes  Principal Component Analysis - (PCA) Ensembles  Neural Networks  Support Vector Machine - (SVM) Nearest Neighbors - (k-NN) Feature Selection - (aka Variable Reduction) Indexation / Cataloguing * (Geo-) Spatial Modeling  Recommendation Engine * Search Engine * Attribution Modeling * Collaborative Filtering * Rule System  Linkage Analysis  Association Rules  Scoring Engine  Segmentation  Predictive Modeling  Graphs  Deep Learning  Game Theory  Imputation  Survival Analysis  Arbitrage  Lift Modeling  Yield Optimization Cross-Validation Model Fitting Relevancy Algorithm * Experimental Design
  4. Saurabh Jain
    hello every one,
    Today we are starting with our first tutorial, I just thought to start with creating our first workbook.
    Please see the video and then do it once on your own..
    We did the following
    1. Column headers 2. Auto filling of months 3 Formula for growth percent 4 Formatting  4 Converted into table & Added Total Row 5 Created the Chart  6 Save I am also attaching the workbook for your reference
    Please do share - What you learnt in this tutorial..
  5. Saurabh Jain
    Download the dataset for practice
    Assignment  & Instructions
    1 create the visual by your hand - once done - pl comment Done- You can also share the screenshot : Choose better colours 
    Additionally now try the following
    2 Create a chart - showing Sales by year 
    3 Add Qty in Tooltips : You can now see sales and Qty both in tool tip when you hover a mouse on the column of any year.
    Do comment what you learnt in the tutorial ?
  6. Saurabh Jain
    In this tutorial we will learn to write basic formulas and introduction to cell referencing
    Relative referencing which is the default referencing Absolute referencing Mixed Referencing  
    Important points
    4 type of referencing can be  cycle through f4 key -  when we are in edit mode of cell  - (use f2 to enter into edit mode) -    A1 , $a$1 , A$1, $A1 
    Shortcut Ctrl + ~  (tilde which is just above 1 in windows)
    pl download file
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