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Business Intelligence & Analytics for Digital Transformation

Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. This function be provided to List.ReplaceValue or Table.ReplaceValue to do replace values in list and table values respectively.
  2. This function be provided to List.ReplaceValue or Table.ReplaceValue to do replace of text values in list and table values respectively.
  3. Returns a table of records containing field names and values from an input record.
  4. Returns a list of values containing the field values of the input record.
  5. Returns a record from a table of records containing field names and values.
  6. Returns a record given a list of field values and a set of fields.
  7. Returns a new record that contains the fields selected from the input record. The original order of the fields is maintained.
  8. Returns a list of field values in order of the record's fields.
  9. Returns the value of a field from a record, or the default value if the field does not exist.
  10. Returns a list of field names in order of the record's fields.
  11. Returns the value of the given field. This function can be used to dynamically create field lookup syntax for a given record. In that way it is a dynamic version of the record[field] syntax.
  12. Transforms fields by applying transformOperations. For more more information about values supported by transformOperations, go to Parameter Values.
  13. Returns a new record that reorders fields relative to each other. Any fields not specified remain in their original locations. Requires two or more fields.
  14. Returns a new record that renames the fields specified. The resultant fields will retain their original order. This function supports swapping and chaining field names. However, all target names plus remaining field names must constitute a unique set or an error will occur.
  15. Returns a new record that reorders the given fields with respect to each other. Any fields not specified remain in their original locations.
  16. Combines the records in a list.
  17. Adds a field from a field name and value.
  18. Creates a record representing a geometric point from parts.
  19. Translates a structured geometric point value into its Well-Known Text (WKT) representation.
  20. Translates text representing a geometric value in Well-Known Text (WKT) format into a structured record.
  21. Creates a record representing a geographic point from parts.
  22. Translates a structured geographic point value into its Well-Known Text (WKT) representation.
  23. Translates text representing a geographic value in Well-Known Text (WKT) format into a structured record.
  24. Returns true if the field name or field names are present in a record.
  25. Returns the number of fields in a record.
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