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Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Returns the last row(s) from a table, depending on the countOrCondition parameter.
  2. Returns the last row of a table.
  3. Returns a table with the list of rows inserted into the table at an index. Each row to insert must match the row type of the table..
  4. Returns a table that is the result of combining a set of partitioned tables into new columns. The type of the column can optionally be specified, the default is any.
  5. Returns the first column of the first row of the table or a specified default value.
  6. Returns the first row(s) of a table, depending on the countOrCondition parameter.
  7. Returns the first row from a table.
  8. Returns a table containing only the rows that have the specified text within one of their cells or any part thereof.
  9. Returns a table that is the result of merging a list of tables. The tables must all have the same row type structure.
  10. Returns a table containing an alternating pattern of the rows from a table.
  11. Returns the relationships among a set of tables.
  12. Returns a table containing a description of the columns (i.e. the schema) of the specified table.
  13. Returns the number of rows in a table.
  14. Returns a profile of the columns of a table.
  15. Returns true if the table does not contain any rows.
  16. Returns the number of columns in a table.
  17. Returns the approximate number of rows in the table.
  18. Returns a nested list of row values from an input table.
  19. Returns a list of records from an input table.
  20. Returns a table into a list by applying the specified combining function to each row of values in a table.
  21. Returns a list of nested lists each representing a column of values in the input table.
  22. Creates a function that can be intercepted by a handler defined on a view (via Table.View).
  23. Creates a modified error record which won't trigger a fallback when thrown by a handler defined on a view (via Table.View).
  24. Creates or extends a table with user-defined handlers for query and action operations.
  25. Splits the specified table into a list of tables using the specified page size.
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