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Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Indicates whether the given datetime value dateTime occurs during the next number of quarters, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  2. Indicates whether the given datetime value dateTime occurs during the next number of months, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  3. Indicates whether the given datetime value dateTime occurs during the next number of days, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  4. Returns a logical value indicating whether the given Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone occurred during the next month, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  5. Indicates whether the given datetime value dateTime occurs during the next day, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  6. Returns a logical value indicating whether the given Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone occurred during the current year, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  7. Returns a logical value indicating whether the given Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone occurred during the current week, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  8. Returns a logical value indicating whether the given Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone occurred during the current quarter, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  9. Returns a logical value indicating whether the given Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone occurred during the current month, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  10. Indicates whether the given datetime value dateTime occurs during the current day, as determined by the current date and time on the system.
  11. Creates a Date from local, universal, and custom Date formats.
  12. Returns a date value from a value.
  13. Returns the end of the year.
  14. Returns the end of the week.
  15. Returns the end of the quarter.
  16. Returns the end of the month.
  17. Returns the end of the day.
  18. Returns the number of days in the month from a DateTime value.
  19. Returns a number that represents the day of the year from a DateTime value.
  20. Returns the day of the week name.
  21. Returns a number (from 0 to 6) indicating the day of the week of the provided value.
  22. Saurabh Jain


    Returns the day for a DateTime value.
  23. Returns a DateTime value with the year portion incremented by n years.
  24. Returns a Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone value incremented by the number of weeks provided. Each week is defined as a duration of seven days. It also handles incrementing the month and year potions of the value as appropriate.
  25. Returns a Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone value incremented by the number of quarters provided. Each quarter is defined as a duration of three months. It also handles incrementing the year potion of the value as appropriate.
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