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Business Intelligence & Analytics for Digital Transformation

Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Returns the result of running a native query on an OLE DB data source.
  2. Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the OLE DB data source specified by the connection string.
  3. Connects to a generic provider with the given connection string and returns the result of evaluating the query.
  4. Returns the result of trying to infer SQL capabilities for an ODBC driver.
  5. Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the ODBC data source specified by the connection string connectionString.
  6. Returns a table of OData feeds offered by an OData serviceUri.
  7. Returns a table with data relating to the tables in the specified MySQL Database.
  8. Produces a JSON representation of a given value value with a text encoding specified by encoding.
  9. Returns the contents of a JSON document. The contents may be directly passed to the function as text, or it may be the binary value returned by a function like File.Contents.
  10. Returns a table of SQL tables and views available in an Informix database on server server in the database instance named database.
  11. The default identity provider for the current host.
  12. Determines whether an identity is a member of an identity collection.
  13. Creates an identity.
  14. Returns a table containing the results of running the specified CSS selectors against the provided html.
  15. Returns a table containing a row for each folder and file found at the container URL, and subfolders from an HDInsight account. Each row contains properties of the file/folder and a link to its content.
  16. Returns a navigational table containing all containers found in the HDInsight account. Each row has the container name and table containing its files.
  17. Returns a navigational table containing all containers found in the HDInsight account. Each row has the container name and table containing its files.
  18. Returns a table containing a row for each file found at the folder url, {0}, and subfolders from a Hadoop file system. Each row contains properties of the file and a link to its content.
  19. Returns a table containing a row for each folder and file found at the folder url, {0}, from a Hadoop file system. Each row contains properties of the folder or file and a link to its content.
  20. Returns the Google Analytics accounts for the current credential.
  21. Returns a table containing a row for each file found at a folder path, and subfolders. Each row contains properties of the folder or file and a link to its content.
  22. Returns a table containing the properties and contents of the files and folders found in the specified folder.
  23. Returns the binary contents of the file located at a path.
  24. Returns a table of contents from a Microsoft Exchange account.
  25. Returns a table representing sheets in the given excel workbook.
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