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Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Returns a Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone value incremented by the number of quarters provided. Each quarter is defined as a duration of three months. It also handles incrementing the year potion of the value as appropriate.
  2. Returns a DateTime value with the month portion incremented by n months.
  3. Returns a Date/DateTime/DateTimeZone value with the day portion incremented by the number of days provided. It also handles incrementing the month and year potions of the value as appropriate.
  4. Returns a case-insensitive comparer function which uses Ordinal rules to compare the provided values x and y.
  5. Returns a comparer function which uses Ordinal rules to compare values.
  6. Returns a comparer function given the culture and a logical value for case sensitivity for the comparison. The default value for ignoreCase is false. The value for culture are well known text representations of locales used in the .NET framework.
  7. Returns a logical value based on the equality check over the two given values.
  8. Returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified positions and lengths.
  9. Returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified positions.
  10. Returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified lengths.
  11. Returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using each specified delimiter in sequence.
  12. Returns a function that combines a list of text into a single text using the specified delimiter.
  13. Saurabh Jain


    Creates a binary value from numbers or text.
  14. Creates a function that can be intercepted by a handler defined on a view (via Binary.View).
  15. Creates a modified error record which won't trigger a fallback when thrown by a handler defined on a view (via Binary.View).
  16. Creates or extends a binary with user-defined handlers for query and action operations.
  17. Encodes binary data into a text form.
  18. Converts a binary value into a list of numbers
  19. Returns a subset of the binary value beginning at an offset.
  20. Returns the length of binary values.
  21. Returns a record with field Content.Type that contains the inferred MIME-type.
  22. Decodes data from a text form into binary.
  23. Converts a list of numbers into a binary value
  24. Returns a binary value from the given value.
  25. Decompresses a binary value using the given compression type.
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