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Saurabh Jain

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Everything posted by Saurabh Jain

  1. Returns a table without a specific column or columns.
  2. Promotes the first row of the table into its header or column names.
  3. Returns a table where the columns have all been prefixed with a text value.
  4. Given a table and attribute column containing pivotValues, creates new columns for each of the pivot values and assigns them values from the valueColumn. An optional aggregationFunction can be provided to handle multiple occurrence of the same key value in the attribute column.
  5. Indicates whether the table contains the specified column(s).
  6. Duplicates a column with the specified name. Values and type are copied from the source column.
  7. Demotes the header row down into the first row of a table.
  8. Returns a list with the names of the columns that match the specified types.
  9. Returns the names of columns from a table.
  10. Returns the values from a column in a table.
  11. Returns a list containing the first count rows specified and the remaining rows.
  12. Returns a table that does not contain the first row or rows of the table.
  13. Returns a single row from a table.
  14. Returns a table with only the rows from table that contain an error in at least one of the cells in a row.
  15. Returns a table containing only the rows that match a condition.
  16. Returns a table with the rows in reverse order.
  17. Returns a table where the rows beginning at an offset and continuing for count are replaced with the provided rows.
  18. Returns a table containing the rows of the table repeated the count number of times.
  19. Returns a table with all rows removed from the table that contain an error in at least one of the cells in a row.
  20. Returns a table with the specified number of rows removed from the table starting at an offset.
  21. Returns a table with the specified number of rows removed from the table starting at the last row. The number of rows removed depends on the optional countOrCondition parameter.
  22. Returns a table with the specified number of rows removed from the table starting at the first row. The number of rows removed depends on the optional countOrCondition parameter.
  23. Returns the specified number of rows from a table starting at an offset.
  24. Returns information about how a table is partitioned.
  25. Partitions the table into a list of groups number of tables, based on the value of the column of each row and a hash function. The hash function is applied to the value of the column of a row to obtain a hash value for the row. The hash value modulo groups determines in which of the returned tables the row will be placed.
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